Courtesy Visit Ministry of Science, Technology, & Science, Malaysia | 拜访马来西亚科技、工艺、及革新部

June 24, 2015 NEWS 动态

On June 24th, 2015, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan and team organized a courtesy visit to the Ministry of Science, Technology, & Science Malaysia, admitted by YB Datuk Wira Dr. Abu Bakar bin Mohamad Diah – Deputy Minister of Ministry of Science, Technology, & Science, Malaysia. 2015年6月24日,拿督陈景豪博士与团队组织拜访团,参访马来西亚科技、工艺、及革新部,由马来西亚科技、工艺、及革新部副部长-拿督威拉阿布巴卡博士接待。

Served as the judge of Race Queen Malaysia 2014 Finals | 担任 Race Queen Malaysia 2014 总决赛评审

October 10, 2014 NEWS 动态

On October 10th, 2014, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan being invited to serve as the judge of Race Queen Malaysia 2014.   2014年10月10日,拿督陈景豪博士受邀担任Race Queen Malaysia 2014 总决赛评审。    

Become the cover story of Oriental Newspaper-Lifestyle | 成为东方日报-东方生活封面人物

January 10, 2013 NEWS 动态

On January 10th, 2013, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan interviewed by the famous Malaysian newspaper, Oriental Daily News. His entrepreneurial story became Oriental Daily News – Oriental Life cover story. 2013年1月10日,拿督陈景豪博士受马来西亚著名报刊-东方日报采访。其创业故事成为东方日报-东方生活封面故事。  

Jodness Tan’s 21st Birthday Celebration | 陈景豪21岁庆生活动

October 31, 2012 NEWS 动态

On October 31st, 2012, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan celebrate his 21st birthday in Kuala Lumpur. The attendees of the day included, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia – YB Datuk A. Kohilan Pillay, and Malaysian beauty industry expert – Prof. Dr. Clara Chee. 2012年10月31日,拿督陈景豪博士于吉隆坡庆祝21岁生日,出席的包括时任马来西亚外交部副部长-拿督柯西兰与马来西亚美容行业泰斗-拿汀许高雅博士教授。  

Ai Beauty Magazine was established | 爱美丽杂志正式成立

July 8, 2011 NEWS 动态

On July 8th, 2011, Ai Beauty Magazine officially launched by Wanita MCA General Secretary cum MCA Selangor State Liaison Wanita Chairman Y.B. Senator Chew Lee Giok. 2011年7月8日,爱美丽杂志正式成立,由时任马华妇女组全国总秘书兼雪州妇女组主席YB周丽玉上议员开幕。