Food and Goods Donation to Selangor Family Aid Association 筹集物资捐赠于 [爱.关怀之家] 雪兰莪家庭援助中心
疫情期间,很多弱势团体都失去了物资和金钱的来源,我们也因此收到了 [爱.关怀之家] 雪兰莪家庭援助中心 Selangor Family Aid Association 的求助。感谢各界好友人士鼎力支持,让我们完成所需物资目标。
疫情期间,很多弱势团体都失去了物资和金钱的来源,我们也因此收到了 [爱.关怀之家] 雪兰莪家庭援助中心 Selangor Family Aid Association 的求助。感谢各界好友人士鼎力支持,让我们完成所需物资目标。
于2018年9月7日,以亚洲精英企业家联盟 AEEF 总秘书身份,接待马来西亚工程部部长 YB Tuan Baru Bian 尊敬的巴鲁比安部长,出席全球最具影响力的女性表扬盛会 “第六届金凤奖颁奖盛典2018”。 On September 7, 2018, representing Asia Excellence Entrepreneur Federation to receiving YB Tuan Baru Bian, the Minister of Works, Malaysia to attend the Most Influential Women Award in the World – the 6th Golden Phoenix Awards Ceremony.
于2018年12月15日,以亚洲精英企业家联盟 AEEF 总秘书身份,接待马来西亚企业家发展部部长 YB Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof 拿督斯里礼端尤索夫部长,出席亚洲最大型商业颁奖盛典 “第六届亚洲诚信大奖2018” 。 On December 15, 2018, representing Asia Excellence Entrepreneur Federation to receiving YB Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof, the Minister of Entrepreneur Development, Malaysia to attend the Asia’s Largest Business Award Ceremony – the 6th Asia Honesty Awards Ceremony.
In 2017, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan represented Malaysian 90s Chinese entrepreneurs to be featured in the National Historical Documentary for the Chinese Overseas “Chinese People Overseas”, which launched by China Central Television (CCTV). He also known as “Malaysia 90s Miracle”, the first batch of successful 90s entrepreneurial figures. 2017年,拿督陈景豪博士亦代表马来西亚90后华人企业家,登上中国中央电视台CCTV推出的海外华人发展史国家纪录片《中国人在海外》,并被誉为“马来西亚90后奇迹”;是马来西亚第一批白手创业成功的90后创业代表人物。
On September 24th, 2016, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan and wife Datin Yenwei organized “Running Game” charity run, raising a total of RM45,000 the Da Ci Jiang Tang (Pertubuhan Pengurusan Warga Tua Anning Ipoh), the beneficiary of the event, which channelled towards building a home for orphans and children from single-parent families, witnessed by Kinrara assemblyman YB Ng Sze Han. 2016年9月24日,拿督陈景豪博士与妻子拿汀曾艳蔚发起慈善义跑“乐跑”,共筹集RM45,000,捐赠于“大慈讲堂-儿童之家” 作为孤儿与单亲家庭儿童院的建院基金,由蒲种金銮区州议员YB黄思汉见证。
On September 10th, 2016, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan and his brother Dato’Mars Tan interviewed by Malaysia Well-known online TV – ONFM. 2016年9月10日,拿督陈景豪博士与其弟拿督陈景威,受邀马来西亚知名网络电视台ONFM专访。
On March 12th, 2016, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan being invited to be one of the interviewed guest by Malaysia Well-known online TV – ONFM. 2016年9月10日,拿督陈景豪博士受邀成为马来西亚知名网络电视台ONFM-拉咖来卡拉受访嘉宾之一。
On October 11st, 2015, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan and wife Datin Yenwei organized “Running Game” charity run, raising a total of RM73,000 the Da Ci Jiang Tang (Pertubuhan Pengurusan Warga Tua Anning Ipoh), the beneficiary of the event, which channelled towards building a home for orphans and children from single-parent families, witnessed by Kinrara assemblyman YB Ng Sze Han. 2015年10月11日,拿督陈景豪博士与妻子拿汀曾艳蔚发起慈善义跑“乐跑”,共筹集RM73,000,捐赠于“大慈讲堂-儿童之家”作为孤儿与单亲家庭儿童院的建院基金,由蒲种金銮区州议员YB黄思汉见证。
On September, 2015, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan being invited as a featured speakers for the Global Shapers Community – An Initiative of the World Economic Forum, together with former MCA President – Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ong Tee Keat. 2015年9月,拿督陈景豪博士受邀到中国宁夏大学,成为“世界经济论坛-世界青年交流平台”分享嘉宾,同台分享的包括原马来西亚华人公会总会长丹斯里翁诗杰。
On July 13th, 2015, Dato’ Dr. Jodness Tan and team organized a courtesy visit to the Ministry of Tourism & Culture Malaysia, admitted by YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz – Minister of Ministry of Tourism & Culture Malaysia. 2015年7月13日,拿督陈景豪博士与团队组织拜访团,参访马来西亚旅游及文化部,由马来西亚旅游及文化部部长-拿督斯里莫哈末纳兹里·阿都哈兹接待。